Climate Change - Professional Development for teachers

written by Ariel on 2023-06-07

Amy organized a professional development workshop for middle school science teachers in Montclair, NJ. New Jersey is one of two states that has implemented climate change as a standard in education.

We were tasked with facilitating a workshop to help the teachers satisfy these requirements according to the Next Generation Science Standards.

New wattmeters and instructions

written by Ariel on 2023-06-01

We ordered some wattmeters to go along with a professional development workshop we are doing on climate change. As expected, the instructions were lacking so we created our own version. Watt Meter

Hello Website

written by Ariel on 2023-05-02

Here is a first post on this new website. I am trying out a static site generator. It is called lektor and written in python. It has a cms and works with markdown so I pretty pleased. You can find out more about Lektor here: Welcome | Lektor Static Content Management System.